Python Programming Internship

Python Programming

We were made aware of the extent of possibilities through Python programming and how it has made its mark in becoming the most demanding programming language out there through the extensive library offered by its community and endless possibilities of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence through its libraries. 

Internship Overview

At the beginning of the course, we were provided with information about its history and how it became the most popular language we know of now and then went on with the introduction to some of the flavor it gives for its community and the overwhelming extent of library it has to offer. This course went from the basics to being able to solve intermediate-level coding questions.

We were also given sufficient coding questions regularly by our mentor for each concept being taught to implement the concepts on the go, which included coding questions on patterns and also questions from google kickstart. We were also been guided to write short and time-efficient codes to come up with creative logic for the assignment questions.


Our Mentor made us understand the whole concept by defining its syntax, functionality, and effective usability of the same using some examples.

  • Identifiers and their properties.
  • Different types of operators and their functions.
  • Different types of data types starting of with Numbers and ending with frozenset. We were taught about its functionalities with different operators.
  • We were been given in-depth knowledge of the syntax of input and output statements and various parameters inside the statements.
  • Conditional Control Structures and its functions
  • Functions of break and continue statements used in loops and how it can be implemented to write efficient code.
  • Even though Python doesn't come with a ternary operator, we were taught how to modify the code to achieve it.
  • Concepts of functions and methods.
  • Functions and methods of various data types and an in-depth tour of the same using some examples.
  • User-defined functions and types of arguments.
  • We were also given some information about some inbuilt libraries of python.


This Journey has been fun and at the same time knowledgeable. This course has helped me gain fundamental knowledge about python and on the whole, has taught me how to go forward with solving any kind of programming problems implementing my logic expressed with Python. 

Deepika Shettigar
